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1DsMKIII Review

發表於 2007-12-5 21:36 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

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發表於 2007-12-5 23:15 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2007-12-6 00:44 | 顯示全部樓層
倒是50 1.2L感覺很不錯![s:36]

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-6 10:57 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 appaloosa 於 2007-12-6 00:44 發表
倒是50 1.2L感覺很不錯![s:36]

Final Thoughts
After shooting with the camera with a few days under numerous conditions I can confidently say the Canon 1Ds Mark III is easily the most versatile full frame digital SLR currently available. Currently the only thing similar on the market is the camera it\'s replacing. The 1Ds Mark II. In terms of pure image resolution the only cameras that come close are digital medium format bodies and backs. I\'ve used a range of PhaseOne backs now and I know they can squeeze out more detail. That said you lose a lot of flexibility for that gain in resolution and in price point.

What\'s missing? Two things in my mind as far as the 1Ds Mark III go. My number one is to add the ability to manually select all of the auto focus points that the camera has available for use. In this case only 19 of the 45 are selectable, while the previous 1Ds Mark II had all 45 selectable. I don\'t know why Canon didn\'t leave this in as a custom function and I\'ll be calling them about this.

Number two on the list would be a good old fashion mirror lock up button. Right now you can assign \"mirror down with Set\", but that doesn\'t give us mirror up now does it. This isn\'t a deal breaker for me, but people have been asking for this since the D60 and for whatever reason Canon won\'t add it as a feature.

I would have prefered two compact flash card slots over the SD card slot, but also, not a deal breaker for me.

When considering purchasing a new body/camera ask yourself some questions. Most people never print over 8x10 inches these days and I know photographers who don\'t have their work printed at all. To me that means that most people would be very happy with a quality 6-12 megapixel camera. Consider this when making a final decision on what camera to buy. I only mention this because I see so many people who want the latest and greatest but don\'t really need to spend $8000 or more on a body. Really consider what you are purchasing.

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